Tuesday, 4th
September, 2012
Brandon Bay, Kerry
What a difference a day makes. The swell’s picked up and the
wind is better. The sun is shining too.
I’ve been looking at the
waves all morning wondering if it will get better than the 2’ showing. I’m just
going to have to go in because soon the tide will be on the push and it’ll
probably be the reverse of what I have been looking at.

Eventually I had paddled out
to the back and sat waiting for a left hander to peel over the sand bar. Nerves
made my stomach tingle. I was sat quite far out to sea on my own in a new and
exotic place. Conscious of rips and the wind I kept my bearings and took stock.
I knew I was safe because I was in a beach break but thoughts of Orcas and
watching the boil-ups reinforced my apprehension.
My nerves soon ebbed as I got
to ride a few waves. 2 to 3 foot left-handers peeled along and my Irish fantasy
began to be fulfilled.
The surf was far from classic
but for today it was perfect.
C Cotton, 2007 The Photograph As Contemporary Art Thames
& Hudson: London
De Botton, 2003 The Art of Travel Penguin: London
E Newby, 1995 A Book of Travellers’ Tales Pan Books
Ltd: London
Sontag, 2002 On Photography Penguin Group: London
Tolstoy L, 1969 What Is
Art? And Essays on Art London: University Press Oxford
Copyright Mark King 2012
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